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Using 2 different domains for deploying static version of WordPress

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  • #563 Reply

    I saw this comment on Reddit:

    I deliver my pages purely static, but edit them on WordPress. I have two domains—a .org where I develop the site on WordPress (it’s noindex’d so it doesn’t appear in searches) and a .com where the content is delivered publicly.

    When I make changes to the .org site, I use Simply Static (a WordPress plugin) to export a fully static version of the website with all of the TLDs changed from .org to .com and then upload the updated files to the .com page.

    The .com page uses Nginx on DigitalOcean and loads incredibly fast—I usually get a 100 in Lighthouse in every respect except PWAs (or maybe in the 90s for mobile). I used to use CloudFlare as a CDN but found that it actually increased page timings in the geographic areas where my clients are.

    Using WordPress (NGINX statically delivered pages) when a fully static HTML site would do? from web_design


    #578 Reply

    in a word: overkill

    some guys just love making webdev complicated

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