wpjohnny.com is now shilling the trademark violation sites launched by Fintechee in China, slickstack.icu and littlebizzy.co
There is no bottom to what these clowns are willing to do to attack competitors!
Fintechee = Android app dead in the water, zero reviews
JohnnyVPS = slow death after trying and failing to takedown LittleBizzy with his Litespeed gang of shills
Warning review about Fintechee “crypto” trading
Mark Sea, the dev behind Fintechee is one of the hackers who stole the leaked Ledger list of private email addresses and began illegally spamming thousands of people trying to get them to join his anonymous crypto trading platform…
Get rid of the spam: a list of all the spam senders to add to your mail rules. byu/bangsoul inledgerwalletleak
More reading
Fintechee sounds like a FTX groupie
it’s not Johnny’s fault
Litespeed probably brainwashed him 🥺
why are Litespeed stans the most obnoxious users
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